
JANUARY 11, 2021

On the Fence? Watch this Video Intro on Homeschooling

Class Dismissed is a Documentary on Homeschooling. All across America, parents are becoming increasingly uncertain with the state of public education. The current situation with our educational…

JANUARY 6, 2021

Dealing with Homeschool Behavior Issues

Many issues manifested throughout homeschooling families as a result of the stress, anxiety, and fear that our children have had to face since the COVID outbreak began.  Take courage parents,…

JANUARY 5, 2021

What Should My Child Learn in Kindergaten?

No two kids are alike – all children learn and develop differently, even children in the same age groups. It’s what makes all kids so special and unique but it also makes it difficult to…

DECEMBER 22, 2020

Smart Ways to Prep for More Indoor Time

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg Staying indoors has been a common phrase this year, a.k.a. quarantine. We all have had our fair share of time at home, so much so, that we are craving the outdoors.…

DECEMBER 19, 2020

Learning the Spirit of Giving Through Volunteering

Guest post by Crystal Esteves from the Culture Trotters. A year ago, I was preparing for Christmas just as millions of Americans are right now. I was all caught up in my first world problems,…

DECEMBER 8, 2020

Persevering with Special Needs Challenges

It's Wednesday morning and my child is in tears... and so am I.   My child is six years old and I am trying to get him to recite the alphabet with no luck.  I try verbally and in writing and…

NOVEMBER 25, 2020

Crush Weekend Boredom with 8 Fun Kid Activities

  In this age of digitization, social media, and full schedules, boredom is something that you'd think we wouldn't experience. Yet, children are always wanting a challenge and even more…

NOVEMBER 24, 2020

World Schooling: Helping Kids Thrive in a Time of Chaos

Hi, I'm Crystal, mom in a world schooling family of four! Like everyone else, we started this year out with a lot of plans. I will pause till you are done laughing... I think it’s…

NOVEMBER 18, 2020

8 Tips for Teaching Gratitude in an Entitled World

To raise a grateful child, parents must move beyond merely teaching the importance of please and thank you. Children need to learn ideas in concrete terms. Helping your child see what being grateful…

OCTOBER 26, 2020

7 Mom-Tips to Help Your Child Sleep at Night

Difficulty concentrating on homeschool? Having behavior issues during the day? To get a good night’s sleep, your child needs to be able to get to sleep and stay that way. Most children…