Special Needs

SEPTEMBER 26, 2019

50 Reasons Homeschooling Special Needs Works!

Special needs can feel like a different world of parenting altogether.  Indeed, it has its own amazing moments, as well as its own struggles. If you have found yourself evaluating your child’s…

SEPTEMBER 24, 2019

Tips for Homeschooling with Prader-Willi Syndrome

Have you ever heard of the term “accidental homeschooler”? Well, that was our family. Before kids, I did have dreams of homeschooling but when I was blessed through foster care with a…

SEPTEMBER 18, 2019

Homeschooling the Gifted Learner – Kim’s Story!

  Guest post by Kimberly Smith When you homeschool it's so important to provide an education that fits your child. That's one of the prime reasons most people homeschool. If you have…


How to Homeschool the Visual-Spatial Learner

This post contributed by Kerry Jones. The term "visual-spatial learners" is perhaps not a household phrase, but in the educational community, it is becoming more and more familiar.  Thanks…

MAY 2, 2019

5 Math Tips for the Gifted Learner

Guest post by Kimberly Smith     Having a gifted learner can be a blessing as well as a challenge.  A blessing because your child is mastering a skill quickly.  And, a challenge…

MARCH 21, 2019

Homeschooling Children with Down Syndrome

Guest post by Kelly Stone. World Down Syndrome Day is March 21 each year (3/21). That date was chosen because people with Down syndrome have a third copy of the 21st chromosome. Although…

DECEMBER 18, 2018

Special Needs and the Holidays

Let's face it, in addition to being a joyous holiday season, Christmas can be extremely stressful for everyone. When you have a child with special needs it can be even more challenging, especially…

AUGUST 15, 2018

Homeschooling a Child With Sensory Processing Disorder

Sometimes a nugget of wisdom punches you in the gut and completely changes your perspective. For me, it was reading a wise mother’s realization that her child – in the throes of an epic meltdown…

AUGUST 10, 2018

Tips For Working With An Autistic Teen

If you’ve been raising an autistic child who is now in their teen years, then you are well aware of how challenging the school environment can be. Public schools don’t always have the resources…

MAY 1, 2018

8 Benefits for Homeschooling Special Needs

While every child is special and has specific needs, some students learn differently than others. Students with special needs may have learning delays or behavior challenges, or they may work…