Volunteer Contributors

FEBRUARY 22, 2022

Homeschooling in the Midst of Divorce

Guest post by Sam Bowman. The choice to homeschool your children is usually something both parents decide together. But, when you’re going through a divorce, you may find yourself at a crossroads…

FEBRUARY 10, 2022

Homeschooling Children With Severe Food Allergies

Food allergies can be dangerous for anyone, but they are especially scary for kids. Unfortunately, about 8% of children in the U.S. have developed food allergies, and about 40% of those children…

JANUARY 31, 2022

Teaching Kids About Emergency Preparedness

One of the great benefits of homeschooling is that you can expand outside of the typical school syllabus and teach your kids some life lessons that they might not always learn inside of the traditional…

JANUARY 24, 2022

5 Ways to Help Protect Your Kids Online

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg The internet has done a lot of good things for humanity but it has also caused quite some harm and some children who love to be online have not been exceptions.…

NOVEMBER 17, 2021

Travel Schooling Part 3: Small-Space Living

“I would love to travel school, but how do you survive living in such a small space? How do you keep from losing your cool? What do you do with all of your stuff?” These are the questions…

NOVEMBER 4, 2021

Positive Stress Relief for Children

Guest post by Stephanie Wilkins When homeschooling, we get to see the good, the bad, and the ugly rise and fall of our young children’s emotions throughout the day.  When kids are stressed,…

SEPTEMBER 15, 2021

Keeping Homeschool Kids Active & Healthy

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg The emergence of the coronavirus had a devastating effect on so many activities worldwide. It was so bad that schools and offices had to shut down and everyone…


Create a Martial Arts Experience at Home

Adding a martial art unit to your homeschool schedule will fulfill your child’s physical education requirements and it adds a ton of value to your child’s character development. Instead of…

AUGUST 30, 2021

Preparing Your Child to Thrive Mentally

With a new school year beginning and social stress on the rise, it’s important that we set the atmosphere for our kids to not only thrive academically and physically but also mentally.  We…

JULY 27, 2021

Traveling with an ADHD Child

Guest post by worldschooling mom, Crystal Esteves When leaving to travel the world, our original plan was to visit one country each month, staying in 3-4 different towns, spending a week or…