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MAY 3, 2022

Disrupting Systems and Impacting Millions

If you haven’t noticed, there is a generational struggle that has been raging for some time. It’s primarily an online war of words between the generations: Boomers versus Millennials versus…

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APRIL 25, 2022

How To Stay Creative as a Homeschool Parent

Guest post by Sam Bowman Homeschooling comes with a variety of benefits. It enables students to learn in a comfortable and familiar environment surrounded by people who care about them. It…

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APRIL 21, 2022

Writing War or Peace?

Guest Post by Gabriel Morse Teaching our children how to write well can often seem more like a war than a homeschool classroom. The declaration of war from our children may arrive in the open…

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APRIL 14, 2022

Tips for Teens Considering Medical School

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg Medicine is one of the most coveted courses, especially for high school students. Right from childhood, when children visit a doctor's office or any other medical…

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APRIL 7, 2022

The Importance of Discovering Lost History

If history teaches anything it is that religious freedom isn’t always free and some men and women must risk all to preserve it. This is unfortunately one fact secular history books omit, and…

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MARCH 20, 2022

Is Your Kid Ready to Learn Coding?

Today’s kids are all "digital natives." A digital native simply means someone born during the information age who can quickly and easily consume digital information through computers, mobile…

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MARCH 18, 2022

Homeschool Teen and Driver’s Education

There will likely come a time when you have finally perfected the curriculum for your homeschooling classes when your teen will surprise you with the big question: “when can I learn how to…

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MARCH 14, 2022

Homeschool Curricula For Dyslexia and Dysgraphia

When teaching a child with dyslexia to read, there are a few things to keep in mind, a specific dyslexia homeschool curriculum,  as well as some techniques to facilitate learning. First,…

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MARCH 8, 2022

Tips To Inspire Homeschool Writing Styles

Now that a couple of months have passed, and you’ve gotten back into the rhythm of the new year, you might be noticing that your student isn’t always looking forward to his or her writing…

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MARCH 7, 2022

Teaching Homeschooled Teens Financial Independence

Public schools may not appreciate the importance of financial literacy for teens, but the great thing about homeschooling is the control over the curriculum we teach. Adding finances to your…

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