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DECEMBER 12, 2020

Differences Between Homeschooling and an Online School

Sponsored by Alpha Omega Publications. To a new homeschooler, the terms homeschooling and online schooling can seem nearly identical, especially if you’re using or considering using an online…

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DECEMBER 11, 2020

4 Ways Game Based Learning Supports Homeschooling

Sponsored by Sumdog. Are video games a valuable learning tool? Research says yes.   Game-based learning, which refers to the borrowing of gaming principles and applying them to real-life…

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DECEMBER 9, 2020

Getting into A First Choice College

Congratulations! You've been working hard and now the end of your high school journey is in sight. It's time to review your plan and make sure that what you've set in place will still carry…

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DECEMBER 8, 2020

Persevering with Special Needs Challenges

It's Wednesday morning and my child is in tears... and so am I.   My child is six years old and I am trying to get him to recite the alphabet with no luck.  I try verbally and in writing and…

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NOVEMBER 25, 2020

Crush Weekend Boredom with 8 Fun Kid Activities

  In this age of digitization, social media, and full schedules, boredom is something that you'd think we wouldn't experience. Yet, children are always wanting a challenge and even more…

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NOVEMBER 25, 2020

Holiday Homeschooling Survival Tips!

Holidays alone can be stressful but add in homeschooling kids who'd rather dream about what's hiding in mom's closet and you've got a sure-fire recipe for chaos. Your homeschool schedule certainly…

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NOVEMBER 24, 2020

World Schooling: Helping Kids Thrive in a Time of Chaos

Hi, I'm Crystal, mom in a world schooling family of four! Like everyone else, we started this year out with a lot of plans. I will pause till you are done laughing... I think it’s…

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NOVEMBER 23, 2020

Thanksgiving Activities for Homeschoolers

Sponsored by Time4Learning. Thanksgiving unit studies and activities combine history, art, culture, food, science, math, reading and more. From baking goods, drawing pictures, crafting, comparing…

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NOVEMBER 20, 2020

Thanksgiving’s Traditional History

Can enemies set aside differences for the benefit of all? In some cases, yes, and that’s what took place at the first Thanksgiving (although they weren’t all “enemies” exactly). That…

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NOVEMBER 19, 2020

Preparing Teens for Independence  

We love our children. Yet, the goal for our teens is to become self-sustaining adults, who move out  of our house, and exude confidence and success without us. Right? With the academic curriculum …

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