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AUGUST 1, 2020

10 Tips for Raising Daughters

We’ve all heard – “That’s not ladylike!” or “Little girls shouldn’t behave like that.” Teaching girls to be strong yet embrace their femininity is not easy! There’s no doubt…

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JULY 30, 2020

Insect Activities for Kids

Let's face it: many kids just plain LOVE bugs! Whether they're lightning bugs, furry caterpillars, banana slugs, or potato bugs, they love them! As homeschoolers, we're always looking to capitalize…

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JULY 29, 2020

Desire Led Lesson Planning for Worldschoolers

When school starts back in the fall this year, I will have a 10th grader, or at least that would be his grade if he were in a public high school. Since he’s an out-of-the-box learner and we're…

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JULY 28, 2020

Starting a Family Book Club

If you’re looking for a fun and educational way to bridge the summer learning gap, or even inspire reading this fall consider starting a family book club. This unique tradition is one that…

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JULY 27, 2020

Coronavirus: Homeschool Solutions

Homeschooling When You Hadn’t Planned on It As concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to rise along with a mounting number of confirmed cases in the U.S., many parents are seeking…

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JULY 24, 2020

AP Classes vs. Trade Training

  If you are homeschooling a high school student, it's time to discuss your student's future.  What does your student want to do beyond high school?  This will impact the type of courses…

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JULY 24, 2020

How to Keep Homeschool Records

Sponsored by Calvert Homeschool. A common worry for many families is how to keep records of their homeschool so they can observe state laws and prepare for high school transcripts. We’re here…

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JULY 23, 2020

Unschooling as a Homeschool Method

I’m going to wrap up my discussion on homeschooling methods by looking at what appears to be the most misunderstood method, unschooling. I recently discovered that even within homeschooling…

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JULY 22, 2020

Using Video Games to Build Skills

Sponsored by Arcademics. When Devices Take Over We're struggling with device take-over. Our kids are obsessed with YouTube and Nintendo. They turn into zombies when on the devices, with stunted…

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JULY 16, 2020

Easy Homeschool Activities Using Manipulatives

Sponsored by Alpha Omega Publications. By using manipulatives in your homeschool classroom, you can provide concrete examples for abstract concepts and more fully engage your child during…

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