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JANUARY 24, 2020

How to Handle Homeschooling and Working 

Sponsored post by When I first thought about homeschooling, I worried about juggling a full-time job and educating my kids. I thought it would be an impossible task. How…

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JANUARY 23, 2020

The 3D Homeschool: Bring Your Science to Life

Science lessons are one of the best ways to get your kid’s nose out of the textbook and their hands firmly grasped around the wonders of the natural world. But take it from us: if you leave…

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JANUARY 18, 2020

What is Travel Schooling & How Do We Start? Part 1

What is Travel-Schooling and How Do I Get More of it in my Homeschool? 5 Tips from Full-time Traveling Families Whether you’ve heard it called travel-schooling, world-schooling, or road-schooling,…

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JANUARY 14, 2020

Budget-Friendly Tips on How to Limit Screen Time

Guest post contributed by Kristin Louis   When you were younger you didn’t have all these handheld devices glued to your hands and eyes. Instead, you played outside with chalk, rode your…

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DECEMBER 31, 2019

Tips for Homeschooling & Working

It’s common to think that a family must have the freedom of living on a single income to homeschool.  However, if you work from home, or your family could benefit greatly from a second income,…

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DECEMBER 6, 2019

Computer Science Explore STEM Careers

Computer Science Week is from December 9th - 15th in 2019 and we are excited to celebrate it!  STEM is very popular for homeschoolers, private schools, and public schools alike due to the rising…

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DECEMBER 4, 2019

Common Myths of Online Education 

Sponsored post by Laurel Springs As time and technology move forward, online learning has developed into a plausible answer to a child’s education needs. With the convenience of accessing…

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NOVEMBER 29, 2019

Hop Aboard the Polar Express Mini-Unit Study!

It’s beginning to look at LOT like Christmas here at! We’re gearing up for favorite holiday festivities, traditions, and cozy nights. This is certainly a time of year to have…

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NOVEMBER 26, 2019

Top Mistakes to Avoid When Teaching Writing Skills

Homeschooling Your Kids? Join us as we take a look at Top Mistakes to Avoid When Teaching Writing Skills. It’s natural for parents who homeschool their kids to worry about teaching them…

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NOVEMBER 20, 2019

6 Simple Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving

Post contributed by Welcome, Thanksgiving! The Thanksgiving holiday is the time we celebrate the harvest and gather with loved ones to give thanks for all the wonderful things…

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