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MAY 18, 2013

International Travel and Homeschooling

International travel provides opportunities for incredible learning experiences.  Through travel we learn about other cultures, lifestyles, languages, unique and beautiful geography, history,…

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MAY 9, 2013

Favorite Tips for Homeschooling your Preschooler

Start homeschooling - when your "little" is ready! But, if they show signs of readiness you can start at any age.  Since little ones are like wonderful, little sponges, wanting to soak up everything,…

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MAY 8, 2013

Six Tips for Camping Success

Catching a fish in the nearby lake….walking the forest to find the waterfall….roasting a marshmallow and telling ghost stories over a roaring fire….these moments bear camping memories…

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APRIL 29, 2013

Children with Autism – Focus on their Strengths!

“The amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage which it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric,…

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APRIL 25, 2013

Homeschooling & Life Skills

Kids need to be taught practical life skills—skills that will teach them how to survive in society—how to thrive in society. Teaching these to your children can certainly be part of your…

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APRIL 22, 2013

Colonial Williamsburg Apprenticeships

During the Colonial Williamsburg Fall Homeschooler Event, students will have an opportunity to participate in an abbreviated apprenticeship program with a master craftsman such as a Silversmith…

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APRIL 20, 2013

Movies – A Fun Homeschooling Resource

Literature is great—and so are movies. Combine them and you have a double whammy as far as educational/homeschooling resources go.  There are several Internet sites that deal exclusively…

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APRIL 2, 2013

Homeschooling, Super Easy Backyard Archaeology

In college, I minored in Anthropology which included Archaeology.  It didn't exactly have anything to do with my education major but it is an incredibly interesting field of study!  Recently,…

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JANUARY 6, 2013

Roadschooling – a real family’s adventure!

The location of a homeschool is home, plain and simple.  You live, eat, and educate right there in your comfy three bedroom two bath ranch with the same view every day.  As a roadschooling…

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APRIL 10, 2012


In the movie, WE BOUGHT A ZOO, Benjamin Mee (Matt Damon) is a Los Angeles newspaper columnist and adventure writer who, as a single father, faces the challenges of raising his two young children.…

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