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JUNE 19, 2023

Seven Reasons to Keep Learning This Summer

Sponsored post by When I started writing this, I was thinking about the reasons to keep “studying” during the summer. But after a while, I didn’t like the word “study.”…

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JUNE 8, 2023

The Importance of Learning Style in Homeschooling

Post Sponsored by Bridgeway Academy Studies show many different ways that our brain processes and retains information. These methods are often referred to as learning styles. The three main…

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JUNE 7, 2023

The Write Way to Beat Summer Slide

As the “regular” school year ends, you may be ready to focus on taking some much-needed time off. While you’re thinking of ways to kick back and relax this summer, remember that to prevent…

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MAY 26, 2023

5 Things Parents Should Look for in a Summer Program

Sponsored by With summer around the corner, there can be ample time on your child’s plate. While free time around the house can be fun for your child, keeping them learning…

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MAY 10, 2023

Raising Financially-Educated Children

Post Sponsored by As parents of little ones, if our job is to prepare them for the world that awaits, shouldn’t that include the money system? Not just the basics…

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MAY 2, 2023

From the Honeypot to the Garden Pot

Faith-based Resource I don’t know about you, but I love springtime. I do like summer and fall - maybe not winter so much unless it's sitting by a warm wood fire, but as I get older I increasingly…

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APRIL 24, 2023

How to Know if Your Preschooler is Ready to Read?

Do you have a preschooler and wonder if your little one is ready to start reading? Looking for signs of reading readiness during the preschool years is a common hobby with homeschool moms. But,…

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APRIL 12, 2023

Sure-Fire Ways for Kids to Learn to Code

When it comes to preparing our kids for life as adults, I don’t think any of us can deny that technology plays a key role. In an age where computers and the internet are a large part of daily…

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APRIL 11, 2023

Teaching Health Literacy in Your Homeschool

Medical education for kids isn’t just important if they’re planning to attend medical school in the future. A solid understanding of health practices is also essential for their day-to-day…

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APRIL 10, 2023

Adding Tutoring in Your Homeschool

Sponsored by Outschool More and more families are turning to online tutoring to receive personalized support for their children. If you’ve been thinking about incorporating online tutoring…

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