
FEBRUARY 20, 2020

Nursery Arts & Crafts

A Beka's Nursery Arts & Crafts is geared towards toddlers who are just getting started. Offers coloring, painting pages, & easy craft projects. Great for a young child who wants to work along…

Comparative Religions: Practical Apologetics for the Real World is a one year course designed for upper level high school students. Students will learn about & compare over 50 world religious…

FEBRUARY 20, 2020

History of the World

History of the World is a one year course designed for high school students. Students will learn about the history of the church (2000 years worth), learn about courageous missionaries around…

FEBRUARY 20, 2020

Intro to Biblical Greek

Intro to Biblical Greek is a one year course designed for high school students. Students will learn about the Greek alphabet, punctuation, nouns, verbs, voice & mood, how to understand Greek…

FEBRUARY 20, 2020

Apologetics in Action

Apologetics in Action is a one year course designed for high school students. Students will learn how to strengthen their confidence in the Bible's inerrant nature. Students will learn how the…

FEBRUARY 20, 2020

Great Christian Classics

Great Christian Classics is a high school literature course that covers five of the greatest life narratives of all time. Students will learn about the life, theology, & worldview of some of…

Cultural Issues: Creation/Evolution & The Bible is a one year Apologetics course designed for high school students. Students will cover over 50 faith-affirming topics including fossils, the age…

FEBRUARY 20, 2020

Biblical Archaeology

Biblical Archaeology is a one year Historical Science course designed for high school students. Students will learn about the ancient cultures & the history of the Middle East & Israel,…

FEBRUARY 20, 2020

Living Art Lessons

Living Art Lessons are designed for grades 4-6 & written from a Biblical perspective. Students will learn about the seven elements of art icluding lines, shapes, colors, values, textures, forms…

Christian History: Biographies of Faith is designed for grades 7-9 and is a full year's credit for History. Students will go beyond just historical facts to see what has been revealed about these…