At Home Middle School Review

February 7, 2022
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I love the site, but more importantly, so does my middle schooler. The material is challenging but not so tough that my daughter gets discouraged. Assignments are laid out clearly so she knows what to do every day and how to do it. No navigating around to figure out how to get started or where to go next. It’s also a nice mix of videos, reading, practice, quizzes and writing. So far, my daughter hasn’t gotten bored and has a daily routine of starting with her first subject and goes through her checklist until finished. A few cons: Some written assignments take longer than 45-60 minutes so a “daily lesson” may actually take longer to complete. Time needed probably depends on how fast a child reads/writes. Another thing is that while many assignments are automatically graded, like math, there are some written assignments where I have to know the material in order to grade the work. A few of the novels were new to me so I had to make sure I was on top things. Overall, the site is an amazing resource. It made homeschooling much easier to navigate and I love knowing my daughter is getting a great education.