Guest Post by Heidi Rosenberg For most parents that have had to homeschool and work from home, it is a challenging and stressful ride. Imagine that the parent recently lost his or her job…

A while back, it seemed everywhere I turned, homeschool parents were talking about morning baskets. I heard the term so many times that I pulled up trusty Google to discover what the buzz was…

If you’re reading this post right now, my guess is that you’re either overwhelmed by working full-time while homeschooling or worried that you will be in the future. Whether you’re juggling…

In this digital age of computers, tablets, and smartphones, handwriting seems to be becoming a lost art. We adults who remember the days before computers and the internet were mainstream (gasp!)…

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg The internet has done a lot of good things for humanity but it has also caused quite some harm and some children who love to be online have not been exceptions.…

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg Homeschooling is a challenging prospect, but it is now becoming more of a norm thanks to the pandemic raging all over the world. Proper nutrition can help to…

Homeschooling can often leave parents feeling overwhelmed as they do their best to reproduce a public school environment in a home setting. But the truth is, you don’t need to copy the public…

This post is by Kerry, a homeschooling mother of two, and is from our contributing sponsor, Time4Learning. Are you in the depths of a homeschool burnout? There is absolutely no shame in admitting…

  Do you ever wonder what writing instructors teach their students? You’re in luck! Teachers have shared some of their top writing tips. These tips don’t cover everything, but they…

This post is sponsored by Time4Learning. Like any other parent, Sarah Murphy wants her kids to be happy and successful, and she believes education is the key to achieving these goals. However,…