This post is by Kerry, a homeschooling mother of two, and is from our contributing sponsor, Time4Learning. Homeschooling during the elementary years involves a lot of hovering, doesn’t it?…

When you started homeschooling did you imagine the perfect learning scenario? One where all your children wake up and start working on their homeschool lessons without being told? A homeschool…

There are those of you out there who are dealing with a struggling student. I can sympathize with you both from the perspective of having been a struggling student myself and being the father…

  Once upon a time, homeschool parents overlooked a teaching strategy for writing… It’s easy to be so hyper-focused on preparing your children for academic writing that you forget…

Guest post by Kimberly Smith. Every summer, I am faced with this dilemma. Often throughout the years, I have had great intentions of keeping my children's skills moving forward, but after…

Sometimes we take for granted that our little ones are oblivious of what is going on in the world. We think they are happy in their own little world. But I just want to ask you, how is your child's…

Difficulty concentrating on homeschool? Having behavior issues during the day? To get a good night’s sleep, your child needs to be able to get to sleep and stay that way. Most children…

Will This Be the Year of Too Much Togetherness? How to Redefine our Homeschools for a New Normal. This time last year as we all made plans for a new year of homeschooling, we could not have…

Sponsored by Alpha Omega Publications. It is no secret that homeschooling is hard work. We all need encouragement, and we believe it is a powerful tool to gather advice from other experienced…

Despite perhaps what most of our children believe, learning can be fun! Furthermore, a lot of students tend to learn better by doing, rather than seeing, hearing, and taking notes, particularly…