To raise a grateful child, parents must move beyond merely teaching the importance of please and thank you. Children need to learn ideas in concrete terms. Helping your child see what being grateful…

You don't have to be a full-on crunchy nature-lover to recognize the value of getting kids outdoors. Researchers worldwide have touted the benefits of outdoor play and learning in nature as antidotes…

One of the most difficult challenges facing many new parents is how to set a stay-at-home school schedule they can stick to in the year ahead. Take it from me, after 16 years of homeschooling…

Are you wondering how to get your children to listen?   “Am I not being clear?!” “Are you hard of hearing?” “Why won’t you listen to me?” "Can you shut it for a second…

Will This Be the Year of Too Much Togetherness? How to Redefine our Homeschools for a New Normal. This time last year as we all made plans for a new year of homeschooling, we could not have…

Why Are Goals Important? A while back, I did an interview with Wally "Famous Amos".  He not only makes great cookies, he is a world-renowned author, winner of several awards for promoting literacy…

It’s obvious that girls today need positive role models. There are many strong women in the spotlight – especially in Hollywood. However, those aren’t necessarily the women we want…

We’ve all heard – “That’s not ladylike!” or “Little girls shouldn’t behave like that.” Teaching girls to be strong yet embrace their femininity is not easy! There’s no doubt…

When school starts back in the fall this year, I will have a 10th grader, or at least that would be his grade if he were in a public high school. Since he’s an out-of-the-box learner and we're…

We have come a long way since the days of educational segregation. However, it still goes without saying that we humans tend to shun that which is different from the norm. In relation to special…