Woohoo! Oh yeah... we're super excited! And with good reason! Our Homeschooling & Loving It podcast launched this week! And we're so excited to be able to reach out to each of you in…

The end of the school term is fast approaching, and there are always loose ends that need to be tucked away! Don't worry! We've got you covered!  We are here to help you wrap things up with…

I know, another poll? "Ain't nobody got time for that!" We get it! But... if you could squeeze out about 3-5 minutes to answer a few questions about the type of homeschooler you are and your…

FEBRUARY 20, 2019

How about that New Start?

The new year is well underway.  The holidays are behind us and we are all thinking about how to finish off our year. This is the time I like to stop and reflect on how our school year is going…

It’s understandable that many of us homeschool in order to remove ourselves from the “educational system.” While I agree completely with that mindset, I do believe that there are some instructional…

The leaves are changing color and falling to the ground. The smell of pumpkin is in the air. Fall has finally arrived. This time of year tends to bring a feeling of family, fun, and crafting!…

Sponsored post by StraighterLine As a growing number of homeschoolers migrate to college, and as colleges and universities branch out to provide new learning situations, your student will be…

Are you the type of person who thinks big but has difficulty following through?? Great ideas come easy, but you just can’t seem to make it happen? Vision boards may be the solution to helping…

Let’s face it: there are definitely times we want to throw in the towel on homeschooling and totally call it quits. These are usually the times when we’re stressed out or fall behind because…

Is it June yet? Seriously - one more month of this homeschooling stuff and you’ll probably be ready to turn your parent card in - right? With your sanity on the brink, you can rest assured…