Guest Post by Gabriel Morse For several years, I sat for long hours every day behind one of those battleship gray desks in a windowless, dull, gray office. The pay was enough to take care…

As a new homeschooling parent, it might seem as if there are not enough hours in the day, especially when it comes to healthy cooking and meal prep.  The hardest thing for me seemed to be thinking…

Every mom has times when she feels she just can’t cope with the lengthy list of tasks she’s planned for the day: paying as much attention as possible to her child, doing the grocery shopping,…

Read Pop Quiz (Part 1) here. Are we teaching our children the most important things? Well, we better know the answer to that question. In our current culture and especially in my state, there…

This post is sponsored by Time4Learning.com When I first started homeschooling, I was always caught up in focusing on the core subjects. Sure, we did chores together and occasionally made…

My favorite movie of all time is The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy. It explodes with danger, intrigue, and suspense all swirling with sword fights, heroes, and spies; not to mention witty…

Read Part 1 and Part 2 here. Choosing to homeschool is only for the brave, and I commend you for stepping into the battle on your child’s behalf despite what family, friends, or the culture…

After graduating into adulthood, many public school students realize how ill-prepared they are for their financial futures. Financial literacy — including budgeting, taxes, and credit — simply…

Guest post by Sam Bowman Homeschooling comes with a variety of benefits. It enables students to learn in a comfortable and familiar environment surrounded by people who care about them. It…

There will likely come a time when you have finally perfected the curriculum for your homeschooling classes when your teen will surprise you with the big question: “when can I learn how to…