Guest Post by Gabriel Morse For several years, I sat for long hours every day behind one of those battleship gray desks in a windowless, dull, gray office. The pay was enough to take care…

Guest Post by Gabriel Morse Meet the Brothers - Jekyll and Hyde When my brother and I were younger, I was “obviously” the good child; and since I’m the one telling the story - he was…

Faith-based Resource I don’t know about you, but I love springtime. I do like summer and fall - maybe not winter so much unless it's sitting by a warm wood fire, but as I get older I increasingly…

Faith-based resource Have you ever sat through a somewhat dry Sunday morning sermon or one you’ve heard before?  You know, the one where your mind wandered off to that cute little stinker…

I still remember the day many years ago when I was kept late after school for turning in an incredibly terrible book report. It wasn’t that the book was bad or that I didn’t know how to write.…

Guest post by Gabriel Morse. I am realizing the sad truth that when I speak to children and young people these days, we are not speaking the same language at all. The words sound the same,…

Guest post by Heidi Rosenberg Education is the best legacy that parents can pass on to their children. However, the value of this legacy depends on the kind of education parents can afford…

Read Part 1 and Part 2 here. Choosing to homeschool is only for the brave, and I commend you for stepping into the battle on your child’s behalf despite what family, friends, or the culture…

There are those of you out there who are dealing with a struggling student. I can sympathize with you both from the perspective of having been a struggling student myself and being the father…

This post is by Kerry, a homeschooling mother of two, and is from our contributing sponsor, Time4Learning. Are you in the depths of a homeschool burnout? There is absolutely no shame in admitting…