Search Results for: special needs

Homeschooling a Child With Sensory Processing Disorder

Sometimes a nugget of wisdom punches you in the gut and completely changes your perspective. For me, it was reading a wise mother’s realization that her child – in the throes of an epic meltdown – wasn’t giving her a hard time. The child was having a hard time. That small distinction makes a world […]

Podcast: Ignite the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Your Child

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER In this podcast, we talk with Sharon Lechter about educating our children on finances. She discusses how money management is a life skill, which is often not taught in traditional schools. In today’s education, students are prepared for being employees rather than seeking entrepreneurship. If your children are motivated to […]

Newsletter: 18

Homeschool & Loving It with Rebecca Kochenderfer – an information-packed e-blast, brought to you by containing specific advice from Rebecca.

Navigating Asperger’s and the Holidays

  It’s that wonderful time of year again.  With the aroma of pumpkin pie in the air and visions of Christmas morning dancing in our heads, it’s easy to get swept up in the moment or the several upcoming moments of the season.  Thanksgiving, Chanukah, and Christmas can be wonderful family experiences, especially for those […]

10 Things No One Ever Told Me About Homeschooling

If you’ve homeschooled for any amount of time, you’ve probably had to figure some things out for yourself…things no one ever told you were going to happen during your homeschooling years. Here, we outline some of the most common things that all homeschooling parents can relate to doing, thinking, feeling, or experiencing! 10 Things to […]

Our Homeschool Journey with Dyslexia

When I first started homeschooling, I felt pretty confident about teaching my kids to read, even my children with dyslexia.  After all, before I had children, my primary job had been teaching children with learning disabilities.  Teaching children to read was my specialty.  What could go wrong?  (Insert laughter from all the homeschool veterans). Our […]

Changing How We View Summer Learning

  Rebecca Recommends... July 2017, Issue 12   "Changing How We View Summer Learning" by's Rebecca Kochenderfer In creating artificial divisions between school time and vacation time, we send our kids the message that learning is something unpleasant we get to escape from in the summer. When families make it a point to pursue [...]

Do You Suspect Learning Problems?

Do you suspect learning problems? Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET is a board certified educational therapist, a learning disability specialist, and dyslexia and ADHD expert.

Self-Fulfilling Prophesy in Homeschooling

As you go about your work this month, consider the ways your negative and positive thinking is influencing your homechooling. Make adjustments as needed and take a look at these tips!