Search Results for: math

February Free Homeschool Printables

Looking for some free printables to add to your homeschool plans for this month? We have you covered! Check out our free February printables download!

African American History Unit Study

Looking for resources to create an African American History Month Study? Discover the rich history that many textbooks leave out. Resources and links provided.

2024 Educational Website Awards

Homeschoolers have voted! The perfect tool to help you discover this year's "best" and "new" educational websites to use in your own homeschooling adventure!

Homeschooling Through the Holidays

How do you keep homeschooling when you’re overwhelmed by the holiday madness? Join us as Time4Learning shares some tips for homeschooling during the holidays!

December Free Homeschool Printables

This can be a crazy time of year, but you can help organize your month with this fun selection of December homeschool printables and a fun holiday list!

Creativity Express Online

Creativity Express is a multi-award-winning Visual Arts curriculum created by former Disney animators and professional educators. Sixteen cross-curricular lessons teach the elements and principles of art, with an added focus on empowering kids’ inner creativity, imagination, and critical thinking skills. Creativity Express is a trusted homeschool resource, that enables children to connect topics in Science, […]

Educate Station

Educate Station was developed by experienced and passionate educators from across the United States. With a full curriculum for grades Pre-K through Fifth Grade, Educate Station is presented in a recommended learning sequence of printable packets, Weeks 1 through 35. Homeschoolers can follow the sequence and print out packets of Learning Plans with Worksheets or […]