Search Results for: high school

Best Homeschool Curriculum Reviews

We understand that it can be a challenge to find the best homeschool curriculum for your family. You’ve decided to homeschool, and now is the perfect time to tailor your child’s education to his/her unique needs. In fact, this is what makes homeschooling one of the best options for educating a child. Start by learning […]

Adding Tutoring in Your Homeschool

Are you considering adding tutoring for your homeschooler? This post sponsored by Outschool weighs the pros and cons of in-person vs. online tutoring.

Model United Nations for Homeschoolers

Is your homeschool student interested in current affairs, government, or politics? Did you know they could participate in a Model UN? Read to learn more!

Homeschooling With a Honeypot

The latest post from our guest storyteller, Gabriel Morse, offers advice on dipping into a honeypot to add some sweetness to your homeschool.