Search Results for: science projects

More Than 101 Things To Do This Summer!’s newest list of 101 Things to Do This Summer is BACK! And guess what? This year, we turned to you in our Facebook group and asked you for some unique ideas. You answered our request and this year, we bring you 103 things for your kids to do this summer!

Handpicked Summer Resources Just For You!

Summer and homeschooling – there are so many options. As many options as there are families! Because of this, has published our Summer Resources Awards list – handpicked gems from companies that understand the importance of continued summer learning opportunities and experiences.

Is Your Homeschool On the Right Path?

Self-doubt can rise during any part of your homeschooling journey. Sometimes the reasons for this are obvious. Perhaps your child is struggling with a specific subject area or a family member doesn’t support your decision to homeschool. Other times it is difficult to pin point the exact source of self-doubt. In either case, feelings of […]

Beat the Wintertime Homeschool Blues

Inspiration Station January 2017, Issue 5   Beat the Wintertime Blues: Make Magic Moments in All Kinds of Weather by's Rebecca Kochenderfer The holidays are over, and the big excitements of that season have also passed. Settling comfortably into this new time of quiet and cold can be a challenge for homeschool families accustomed [...]

A Marineland Dolphin Adventure Homeschool Fieldtrip

With its roots in conservation, Marineland Dolphin Adventure near St Augustine, Florida is on call to provide aide to injured sea animals in the area. The staff of Marineland do everything they can to save and support injured sea life and return it to the waters, if possible. They also offer dolphin encounters of many types as […]

Nature Study for Everybody

   “There is no kind of knowledge to be had in these early years so valuable to children as that which they get for themselves, of the world they live in. Let them at once get into touch with Nature, and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight through life. We […]

Educational Gift Guide 2010 (redirected)

After reviewing hundreds of products, the following have been selected as's Top 100 Educational Gifts for 2010. These products are some of the most educational and fun toys on the market today. For your convenience, we have organized our list by age group--and as you can see, there is something for everyone!