Search Results for: tutor

How about that New Start?

The new year is well underway.  The holidays are behind us and we are all thinking about how to finish off our year. This is the time I like to stop and reflect on how our school year is going so far. New Year Reflections Every year I like to reflect and write down some […]

Don’t Forget Your Homeschool Goals!

First Things First! Start with WHY? Think about the different learning styles that work best for each of your individual students and the style of homeschooling that works for your family. What are the reasons you are homeschooling? What is the motivation for your homeschooling? Why does homeschooling appeal to you? Then consider the HOW? […]

Christian Homeschooling – Nancy’s Story

Why We Homeschool When I was pregnant with my son I did tons of research on EVERYTHING. The one thing that I researched the most was schools. Because I wasn’t raised in my current state of residence I was clueless as to which schools were the best. I didn’t know if we would choose a […]

Online College Credit: Student Success Stories

Sponsored post by StraighterLine As a growing number of homeschoolers migrate to college, and as colleges and universities branch out to provide new learning situations, your student will be presented with both traditional and online learning options. Homeschoolers have the ability to begin taking online college courses while still in high school—but should they? If […]

Bringing Programming Into Your Homeschool

Computer programing is becoming an essential skill for students. In our technologically advanced society, being familiar with coding is becoming as important as the traditional competencies of reading, writing and arithmetic. However, for many homeschool parents, the world of code can be a daunting and intimidating place.  Luckily for homeschool families, there are some fantastic […]

Homeschool For Free: Math

Do you dread teaching homeschool math? For many of us, it's the least favored subject. Would it help if we told you that you could teach it for free?

5 Common Mistakes Made In All Homeschool Essays

Guest post written by Grace Carter Writing an essay is a good way for your child to think about a subject and develop a solid understanding of it. It also helps develop good writing skills for later in life. Most students will make mistakes along the way. Here are the most common mistakes found in […]

Great Summer Resource: 101 Things To Do This Summer

Two words parents do not want to hear over the summer are “I’m bored!” The best way to tackle this head on is to have super fun summer activities ready to go! We’ve compiled our list of 101 Things into a version we know you’re going to love!

How to Homeschool Overseas

Just like no two kids are alike, every homeschool family will be different. If you are choosing to homeschool overseas, you’ll find some interesting aspects you’ll want to address. Whatever the reason may be for finding an alternative to the local school, homeschooling can be a very good solution for families living overseas and it can be accomplished with just a little bit […]

Homeschooling the Child Who Hates School

Homeschooling the Child Who Hates School Homeschooling is not just for gifted students, Olympic athletes or those winning national spelling or geography bees. The beauty of homeschooling is that it works to meet the needs of the individual student rather than striving to placate a multitude of students with a multitude of needs. Because of […]