Search Results for: podcast

Episode 47: Finding Your Homeschool Method | Sonya Shafer

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER One of the first questions homeschool parents tend to ask is,  “What methods are out there to help me teach my children?” Today we have special guest, Sonya Shafer from Simply Charlotte Mason with us to speak to those methods. You’ll get “broad strokes” of what the five main methods […]

How to Homeschool Foreign Language

Are you stressed over teaching your homeschooled teen a foreign language? We have resources to help! Learn about curriculum options and tips in our article.

How to Homeschool Your Preschooler

Worried that you won’t be able to homeschool your preschooler? Don’t! It’s possible and even wonderful to preschool at home! Read to find out how...

Episode 46: Multiple Intelligences Learning | Rebecca DeVitt

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER Hello everyone! I’m Jamie with and welcome to our new homeschool help series entitled The Homeschool Helping Hand. We’re hoping that this mini virtual conference will be a helpful resource for all homeschooling parents. Today’s episode is being pre-recorded, however, I will be available to answer any questions you […]

Episode 45: Homeschool Help: Expectations | Guest Andrea Dillon

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER Before we get started, I’d like to introduce my co-host today – Andrea Dillon – from Andrea, we’re glad you could join us!  I’ve known Andrea for several years and she is an amazing super smart “teacher turned homeschool” mom of two. She is also a single mom homeschooling […]

Episode 44: Mid Year Changes Are Absolutely OK!

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER If you are a beginner homeschooler, our team at has put together comprehensive resources that will help you homeschool from preschool through high school. There is so much from guides to getting started to printable tools that help you get it done – visit the getting started area on […] – Thomas Jefferson Education

TJEd is also known as “Leadership Education.” And the leader in LE is not just the kid that grows up in your home or studies in your classroom under these principles; it’s you! YOU lead out and show them the way. You get excited about education – not just theirs, but yours. Start with the book […]

Free Homeschool Resources

We believe that every homeschooler should homeschool happy! It’s the driving force behind our creation of free homeschool resources for homeschooling families. We lighten your load so you can focus on the big stuff! You’re sure to find free homeschool tools that will make your life easier. Homeschool Tools, Printables, and Unit Studies Click for […]