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Episode 38: Teaching Strong Character | Guest Kathie Morrisey

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER Welcome back to Episode 38 of the Homeschooling and Loving It Podcast! Today we are talking about Character Training! And to help me really get to the heart of the subject I’ve invited Kathie Morrisey to join us! Kathie hails from Michigan and is the owner and founder of the […]

Creating a Homeschool Schedule that Works!

  There are many types of homeschool schedules. Creating an effective homeschool schedule is about examining what works for your family’s existing lifestyle. A good homeschool schedule will fit within your lifestyle and support it, not require your life to adapt around it.   Of course, there are always assignments or projects that just have […]

Homeschool All-Time Favorites

Over the years, we’ve been able to work with amazing homeschoolers and their families, bring together unbelievably practical resources, and help our homeschool community. Some of our favorite interviews, articles, and resources are featured in this section of our top 10 of all Homeschool Awards and Guides Every year for the past 20 years […]

Episode 37: Memory Tips For Studying | Guest Daren & Kath Denholm

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER Daren and Kath Denholm are joining us today from South Africa… and I have to say – they are pretty amazing! They have not only competed many times in the World Memory Championships but also work tirelessly every day to help students and adults understand how to improve their memory.  […]

Episode 36: Understand Your Constitution | Actress Janine Turner

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER This year has been so evident that our nation is in trouble. And with that in mind, it is down to us… American citizens to know our laws, our rights, and even our constitution and understand the processes that the Founding Fathers embedded within our nation’s government for individuals to […]

Episode 35: Overcoming Fear | Guest Melissa Webb

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER Join Jamie and our special guest Melissa Webb from! We all know there are two types of fear, healthy fear, and unhealthy fear. Without a little fear, we would probably injure ourselves or be negligent in protecting our selves and our families. However, many people tend to allow unhealthy […]