Search Results for: special needs

Episode 15: Special Needs Homeschooling: ADHD

This week we interviewed Kat Taylor. An amazing mom of two boys who are now graduated from homeschoo l. One of her sons had a Traumatic Brain Injury which contributed to his intense ADHD. Kat shared some practical tips for keeping a child with ADHD focused and learning without pushing them. Kat’s son is now […]

Resources for Homeschooling Special Needs

Homeschooling is an exciting journey, a lifestyle change, and a different road entirely for any family.  The decision to take your child’s education into your own hands is intimidating, enlightening, freeing, and even stressful, regardless of how much they may excel in certain subjects or feel challenged in others.   However, perhaps you have an amazing […]

Tips for Homeschooling a Child with Special Needs

Homeschooling is an excellent choice for many children with special needs.  After all, the flexible, personalized education can provide the exact structure they need tailored specifically to their strengths and weaknesses.

How to Modify Curriculum for Special Needs

With an abundance of homeschool curriculum, the absence of a curriculum that meets the unique needs of students with special requirements stands out. Find tips to modify curriculum to meet those unique needs.

Special Needs and the Holidays

The holidays can be extremely stressful for everyone. Practical tips for children that are differently-abled help to make the season easier.

8 Benefits for Homeschooling Special Needs

While every child is special and has specific needs, some students learn differently than others. Students with special needs may have learning delays or behavior challenges, or they may work on a level that is different from their peers. We understand the challenges facing students with dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADD, ADHD, Autism, learning difficulties, hearing and […]

5 Tips for Special Needs Homeschooling

If you've decided to make the move toward homeschooling your teen, that's fantastic! We want to see you succeed in this goal, so we've put together some quick tips from parents of children with various special needs. Read on for more...

Special Education Homeschool Curriculum

Curriculum Resources                                      Special Education Tools Teaching Special Ed                                          Encouragement for Parents If you have a child with […]

Special Education Toolbox

This is your toolbox for finding the information you need to address a variety of issues surrounding special needs learning in your homeschool.

For preschool through college! At, we are dedicated to helping children with special needs reach their excellence. We accomplish this by tutoring individual students using a customized one-on-one process designed to match their unique learning style. This “plan to success” is created by both a special education expert AND each child’s parents/guardians. This program […]