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Episode 34: Answers to Your Homeschool Questions!

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER Every day I get questions in my inbox… so many people starting to homeschool this year need answers. So, today’s podcast is all about sharing answers to the most frequently asked homeschool questions. I apologize in advance for the squeaky chair, I hope it doesn’t deter everyone! If you […]

How to Make Homeschooling Fun

Despite perhaps what most of our children believe, learning can be fun! Join Sam as he shares tips for making home education fun and interactive!

What are Learning Preferences?

  For many, the concept of learning styles is debatable. Yet, for those of us that have been in the trenches for years, we can see the mounting evidence of using a learning preference to assist our student’s motivation and enable more efficient learning. What is a Learning Style or Preference? A child’s learning style […]

Top Questions About Homeschooling

Q&A About Homeschooling Your Child How do I get started homeschooling? Homeschooling is legal in all fifty states. In fact, you could conceivably start homeschooling today. Just check with your state laws. Homeschooling is an easy process and one that over two million have gone ahead and prepared the way for you! However, as it […]

How to Find Your Homeschool Method

Your homeschool method should be as unique and individual as your lifestyle! Use the various typical homeschooling styles to help you formulate your own as you are getting started homeschooling!


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