Search Results for: science

What is Secular Homeschooling?

Making the decision to homeschool is huge, and deciding how you'll homeschool is even bigger. Get more information on secular homeschooling and what it means.

Native American Indian Unit Study Starter

The study of the Native American Indian people is one of great interest. In fact, over the years more information has become public surrounding the history of the North American Indian. Some may consider it controversial while others feel that it contradicts what they were taught. As homeschoolers, our goal is to teach our children […]

Episode 73 Advice for Homeschooling During the Holidays

With the holidays upon us, many of us feel more stressed than usual.  There are numerous holiday events, relatives to see, places to visit, and gift shopping and preparation to get done.  Most of us wonder about holiday homeschooling. How to homeschool amid everything? The holidays are a great time to take off from structured […]

Amusement Park Homeschool Days

Many amusement parks offer "homeschool days" which are days homeschooling families can visit at an incredibly discounted rate. Find out what parks are near you!