Search Results for: science

At Home Middle School

At Home Middle School is a free, online curriculum for grades 6-8. Pulling from different resources, web developer and educator, Melissa Brown, created 180 lesson plans in each subject to complete a school year. The plans include daily lessons for math, language arts, science, social studies, Spanish, coding, art history, and chess. Visit their website […]

Layers of Learning

Layers of Learning are unit studies, broken up into 4 years, that integrate science, history, geography, writing, and the arts into one study. Each year contains 20 workbooks, or units, that span a length of time. Year 1 covers Ancient History and art and ends at the Roman Empire. Year 2 dives into the history […]

Gather ‘Round Homeschool

Gather ‘Round is a different take on homeschool. Tired of the traditional “schooling at home” method, homeschool Mom, Rebecca Spooner, had the idea to teach all 5 of her children together instead of them doing individual classes by grade level. Here is her description from the website: “Gather ‘Round Homeschool is a curriculum designed to […]

12 Writing Tips for Roadschoolers

Traveling gives a great opportunity for homeschool students to hone their writing skills. Discover some great tips for roadschooling with your kids!

Internet 4 Classrooms

This site has free tutorials for computer technology such as Excel, PowerPoint, DreamWeaver, and more. 1758 listing Type, Technology, and Computer Science. Alice is an innovative 3D programming environment that makes it easy to create an animation for telling a story, playing an interactive game, or a video to share on the web. Alice is […]

Back to Homeschool DIY Lap Desk

Lap desks are great to use in homeschooling! Instead of running to the store for one, why not gather your children and make one as a back-to-school project?