Search Results for: unit study

Homeschooling Children with Down Syndrome

Guest post by Kelly Stone. World Down Syndrome Day is March 21 each year (3/21). That date was chosen because people with Down syndrome have a third copy of the 21st chromosome. Although everyone with Down syndrome will have the atypical chromosome configuration in common, writing an article about how to homeschool students with Down […]

5 Ways to Improve Your Homeschooling This Year

This post is sponsored by Time4Learning. After ringing in the new year and celebrating the holidays, you may feel a bit energized and ready for the best year yet! But before you start, sit back and contemplate how your homeschooling experience unfolded over the past year. Review your notes, speak with your children, and evaluate […]

Quick Facts about Homeschoolers and College

Many people think that homeschoolers are not prepared for college. According to research by the National Education Association, most people are concerned about the effectiveness of a homeschool curriculum and the lack of socialization. However, the facts prove that homeschoolers are often even more successful in college than other students. Many professors note that homeschoolers […]

Finding a Well-Rounded Language Learning Experience

This is a sponsored post from Nihongo Master. The decision to homeschool your children through high school can be a tough one when you consider everything that you have ahead of you. One thing that can easily be overlooked is the study of a foreign language. While, according to A2Z, no state in the […]

Spotlight On: Finding Your Best Fit Literature Curriculum

One large advantage to homeschooling is that you have the ability to choose common curriculum options that best suit your student’s needs. Whether it’s math, science, history/social studies, or literature, you can choose programs and supplements that accurately fit your student’s learning styles. While this is true in all subject areas, this month we’re turning […]

Popcorn Learning Fun

For many years October has been celebrated as National Popcorn Month but it became official in 1999 when the Secretary of Agriculture declared October as National Popcorn Poppin’ Month. This versatile and relatively healthy snack has definitely been a staple for many families across the United States and beyond. Can you imagine going to a […]

Kimberly’s Story – a Christian Homeschool Journey

Today’s culture scares me.  It seems that our country is falling apart when it comes to values and morals.  I cannot even let my six year just pick out books at the library anymore due to the agenda that is being pushed in new literature.  God is missing in most aspects of society. As a […]

Are Your Children Headed for Academic Success?

A sponsored post from Mrs. Wordsmith With great freedom comes great responsibility. How can homeschooling parents ensure their children are learning new words in the most effective way possible? Schools are falling short of meeting the required milestones in a child’s development. In the US, only 34% of 4th graders are reading and comprehending proficiently […]

Preschool Mom’s Survival Guide

Are you ready to pull your hair out? Feeling like you can’t turn your back for a minute or the house will crumble? If so, you might be the parent of a preschooler! Preschoolers definitely keep us on our toes! The emotional, physical, and social development of young children has a direct effect on the […]