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Episode 40: What is Classical Education? | Guest Leigh Bortins

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER Hello everyone and welcome back to’s Homeschooling and Loving It Podcast We are on Episode 40 and today we are talking about Classical Homeschooling! For many homeschoolers, our desire to homeschool springs from a priority to give our children a different more unique educational experience. However, sometimes it can […]

Newsletter 46: Homeschool Challenges!

Struggles, challenges, roadblocks... all are lessons for learning. In your homeschool, don't let challenges get you down, use them for teachable moments!

Top Job Skills Employers Want to See

Qualities Employers Want to See In Your High Schooler As your teens think about heading out to the “real world” they should be thinking about employment and what it takes to be employable. Even if college is not an option, an aptitude for working for someone and with other people will be a big help […]

Creating a Homeschool Schedule that Works!

  There are many types of homeschool schedules. Creating an effective homeschool schedule is about examining what works for your family’s existing lifestyle. A good homeschool schedule will fit within your lifestyle and support it, not require your life to adapt around it.   Of course, there are always assignments or projects that just have […]

Unschooling High School

Can you really unschool in high school? Of course! Join Alison McKee as she shares her own high school unschooling success!