Search Results for: science

Women Who Changed History

There’s no doubt about it – there are many great women in history who’ve made their mark. Every year, we make it a point to bring you information about women of achievement.  Women haven’t always had the opportunities they do today, but thanks to many pioneers blazing the path, women today have opportunities to do big […]

Elementary Homeschool Printables

You can always use a helping hand when homeschooling elementary school! Elementary homeschool printables help make it easier with tools for organization, lesson planning, record keeping as well as subject-specific worksheets and unit studies. What Homeschool Printables Do You Need? General Homeschool Printables              Elementary Homeschool Printables        […]

Starting To Homeschool High School?

Want to make the next four years amazing? Make your high school homeschool plan to ensure you don't miss any important milestones. Read on to find out more.

High School Subject Guides

Homeschooling High School Subjects Homeschooling high school is an amazing time of growth for your student. Although you might feel that certain subjects seem a little daunting, but there are no worries in today’s knowledge-rich  and technology -savvy environment. In fact, our How to Homeschool High School Subject Guides are perfect to see what is […]

Generation Genius

A platform for science teachers and parents of school kids that provides amazing educational content that can be used in school or at home. We’ve got entertaining videos that kids love, lesson plans, reading materials, quizzes, and activities. Our resources cover most science standards across the country, and we’ve partnered with the National Science Teachers […]

Homeschooling Middle School

Homeschooling middle school is a wonderful age to begin your homeschool experience. Perhaps it feels intimidating at the moment, but it’s an ideal age to switch from traditional school to starting homeschool in middle school. Middle school students are old enough to find excitement in the transition and bring an understanding to their new circumstances. […]