Search Results for: high school

Am I Qualified to Homeschool?

Concerned about your ability to teach your children?  Do you question whether you have the knowledge and skills? Read on to find out why you shouldn't worry!

Know Your Homeschool Terminology!

Deschooling?  Unschooling?  If you are considering homeschooling or are new to homeschooling, you are probably finding that there are some new—and maybe even confusing—terms.  No worries! Here is a beginner’s glossary to help get you “in the know!"

Know Your Homeschool Terminology

Deschooling?  Unschooling?  If you are considering homeschooling or are new to homeschooling, you are probably finding that there are some new—and maybe even confusing—terms.  No worries! Here is a beginner’s glossary to help get you “in the know!"

Homeschooling Tips for Beginners

Deciding to homeschool can be overwhelming. To help you make the best decision for your family, we are sharing our top tips for new homeschoolers!

Gathering Up the Courage to Homeschool

Looking for Inspiration? “Yes, You Can Homeschool!” Do you want to homeschool… but there’s just something holding you back? What keeps you from homeschooling? For some parents, it’s a lack of courage or a belief in themselves. For others, it’s all the data they think they must keep on hand. Whatever your reason, we’re sure […]