Search Results for: science

Goal Setting For Homeschooling And Life Success

Why is goal setting so important for homeschoolers? In this blog post, you'll discover that goal setting sets the direction for your homeschooler's life and motivates them to live their dreams.

Charlotte Mason Keep It Simple Curriculum

Simply Charlotte Mason’s Keep It Simple Curriculum includes self paced, day by day plans, a list of living books that have been pre-approved, advisories, and more! There are three series of lesson plan books, two of which are meant to be completed together as a family. Those books include the series on history, geography, and […]

Curriculum for Autism

Curriculum for Autism provides various products such as worksheets, cards, games, posters and other tools to help home-school a child with Autism. Curriculum products which are sold separately include material to help teach life, social, and fine motor skills, speech and language, math, literacy, science, and Sunday school, while also providing guides for parents. Includes: […]

How to Make Homeschooling Fun

Despite perhaps what most of our children believe, learning can be fun! Join Sam as he shares tips for making home education fun and interactive!

Top Questions About Homeschooling

Q&A About Homeschooling Your Child How do I get started homeschooling? Homeschooling is legal in all fifty states. In fact, you could conceivably start homeschooling today. Just check with your state laws. Homeschooling is an easy process and one that over two million have gone ahead and prepared the way for you! However, as it […]

United Art & Education Homeschooling

United Art & Education provides materials needed for homeschooling including CDs, DVDs, flash cards, games, puzzles, magnets, manipulatives, notebooks, journals, workbooks, resource books, reading tools, science kits, microscopes, maps, globes, and other products that would assist your homeschooling needs. United Art & education also cater towards Special Needs providing fidgets, fine motor, and gross motor […]

How to Teach Homeschool Language Arts

Are you a new homeschooler? Or, are you looking for Language Arts inspiration? In this article, we’ll discuss everything about how to teach Language Arts!