Search Results for: science projects

STEAM: Science Fair Ideas for Elementary

Are you ready to create concoctions and explosions? It’s science fair time and that’s exactly the type of thing your student will get to do! Preparing for the science fair pays off in big ways because your child learns far more than just science concepts throughout the process of putting together an experiment. For many […]

Science and Art – Race Around Like an Electron

(How Visual Aids and Visual Arts Help when Teaching Science) Written by John Hofland Our high school chemistry teacher, Mrs. Harms, didn’t merely teach chemistry. She WAS chemistry. As she danced under the periodic chart, she became sodium atoms who craved electrons from their friends, the generous chlorine atoms. The atoms we studied had likes […]

How to Manage Homeschool Stress

Homeschooling creates a unique style of stress. Here are our top tips for managing stress: planning, collaboration, and organization.

Episode 73 Advice for Homeschooling During the Holidays

With the holidays upon us, many of us feel more stressed than usual.  There are numerous holiday events, relatives to see, places to visit, and gift shopping and preparation to get done.  Most of us wonder about holiday homeschooling. How to homeschool amid everything? The holidays are a great time to take off from structured […]

What is Deschooling?

In short, deschooling is about learning how to learn outside the classroom. Deschooling is a process for children and parents alike when transitioning from traditional school to homeschooling. In truth, the reality is that homeschooling is very different from traditional school. It requires a period of adjustment, and it’s not necessarily easy. However, the transition […]

Homeschooling Middle School

Homeschooling middle school is a wonderful age to begin your homeschool experience. Perhaps it feels intimidating at the moment, but it’s an ideal age to switch from traditional school to starting homeschool in middle school. Middle school students are old enough to find excitement in the transition and bring an understanding to their new circumstances. […]

Holiday Homeschooling Survival Tips!

Every homeschooling family is different and has different needs and activities during the holiday season. Let’s chat about how to make this season a little less stressful.

Tips for Holiday Homeschooling

Don't let stress rule your holidays... prioritize relaxation and time with family by changing your homeschool holiday schedule!