Search Results for: high school

Connecting Math with Literature in our Homeschool

It's common to group people into two categories: those who love literature and those who love math. However, in homeschooling, we've noticed ways that literature skills can actually help improve math skills and vice versa!

5 Flexible Ways to Use Multi-Subject Homeschool Resources

This post has been sponsored by Classical Academic Press and We’ve all been there before. You are standing at the entrance to a homeschool convention exhibitors hall with the hundreds of homeschool resources stretching out before us. Your eyes glazing over – pulse racing – wondering if searching for a new curriculum was worth […]

Homeschooling Children with Down Syndrome

Guest post by Kelly Stone. World Down Syndrome Day is March 21 each year (3/21). That date was chosen because people with Down syndrome have a third copy of the 21st chromosome. Although everyone with Down syndrome will have the atypical chromosome configuration in common, writing an article about how to homeschool students with Down […]

Homeschool To Their Learning Strengths

Do you know how to best utilize learning styles and strengths to help your child succeed? Using both learning styles and learning strengths is a great way to equip your learner!

The Preschool Years Foundation

The Preschool years can be challenging, but teaching a few basic principles can set a foundation for you to build on for years to come. Read more to find out.

My Thoughts on Standardized Testing for Homeschoolers

Volunteer Contributor Post I often hear fellow mom friends, whose children attend elementary and middle school in traditional schools, complain about standardized testing.  I feel so sorry for those children and the parents that have to endure such a ridiculous tradition every year. Luckily for my family, in our state, we are not required to […]

Complete Guide to State Testing For Homeschoolers

State testing for homeschoolers? In fact, should your homeschooling student even participate in end-of-year testing?  Of course, that Depends on the state you live in. In short, you may or may not have a choice; some states require assessment tests for homeschoolers but some also do not. So, who has to test?  State Laws for […]

Pros and Cons of Homeschool Testing

“Close your books and clear your desks – pop quiz!” How many times did you hear that when you were in school? Did those words make you cringe? If so, you may have bad memories of quizzes and testing in general and may have sworn them off for your homeschooling kids. Is that the best […]