Search Results for: high school

5 Must-Reads for Every Middle Schooler

There’s no doubt about it – good readers READ and they read often! For some students, the hard part is finding middle school books to read. If this describes your student, take a look at the list of popular middle school books we’ve pulled together. Your students are bound to find something enjoyable! The Giver […]

Bringing Programming Into Your Homeschool

Computer programing is becoming an essential skill for students. In our technologically advanced society, being familiar with coding is becoming as important as the traditional competencies of reading, writing and arithmetic. However, for many homeschool parents, the world of code can be a daunting and intimidating place.  Luckily for homeschool families, there are some fantastic […]

Back-to-Homeschool Goal: Make Writing Fun

Just because summer is drawing to a close, and the homeschool calendar is already filling up, that doesn’t mean children suddenly lose their curiosity or passion for play.  When it’s time to kick off writing instruction again, why not harness that summer energy into fun writing exercises that jazz up your routine? In the social […]

Preschool Mom’s Survival Guide

Are you ready to pull your hair out? Feeling like you can’t turn your back for a minute or the house will crumble? If so, you might be the parent of a preschooler! Preschoolers definitely keep us on our toes! The emotional, physical, and social development of young children has a direct effect on the […]

Free Read Aloud Videos for Your Homeschool

Let’s face it – sometimes, parents just need a BREAK! Arranging for someone else to take over parenting duties can be a task in and of itself, though. Luckily, there are ways to take breaks right at home! Check out these book read alouds and see if they don’t captivate your little ones long enough […]

Online Resources to Supplement Homeschool

According to the National Center for Education Statistics, almost 1.8 million children in the U.S. are homeschooled. Homeschooled students are composed of a wide range of ages, as well as racial, gender, and geographic diversity. The reasons for homeschooling are as varied as the students themselves, and studies have indicated that homeschooled students overall meet […]

Homeschool for Free: Science

Homeschooling science doesn't have to be complicated or expensive! You can actually do it totally FREE! Read to find out how!

Homeschool Unit Study Resources

Unit studies are so popular amongst homeschoolers that they’re often in their own category of homeschooling styles. A homeschool unit study isn’t much different from any other unit study, though you may need to adjust activities to accommodate just one or two students instead of twenty. What Is a Unit Study? Unit studies explore a […]

Which Homeschool Curriculum is Best?

“Which Homeschool Curriculum is Best?” Are all homeschool programs equal to one another? Absolutely not! In most cases, they do all cover the same concepts. But, the order in which they do so and the way the material is presented is what makes them unique. With so many choices, how can you choose the one […]