Search Results for: high school

Homeschool Programming Curriculum Review's Product Reviews Homeschool Programming - Age 8 to teens - Starting at $70 per semester or $120 for a year long course Homeschool Programming teaches website design, video game programming, and smart phone app design to students of all ages. The engaging approach combines textbook study material and hands-on computer programming activities--making the [...]

Bible Fluency Homeschool Curriculum Review's Product Reviews Middle School — Adult offers a fun and creative way to learn the Bible—and it's free of charge (but you can give a donation if you are so inclined).   The fluency program employs high-quality music, flashcards, workbooks, small group activities, and more to teach students the overarching story of [...]

Podcast: Car Schooling (Turn Car Time into Learning Time)

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER We are joined by Diane Flynn Keith to learn about car schooling. Diane is a homeschooling expert and has homeschooled her own children through high school. In this podcast, she chats with us about how to utilize all the time spent in the car driving between classes, lessons, and group […]

Homeschooling and Loving It! Free Ebook

If you’re unsure about how to start homeschooling, how to set it up and what steps to take, this book is perfect for you and your family! Homeschooling and Loving It! is a book that not only helps the new homeschooler but also the experienced homeschooler. It is set up as a workbook that allows […]

Top 10 Homeschool Travel Tips

Since homeschoolers have freedom and flexibility with their homeschooling schedule, homeschoolers love travel! Worldschooling, travelschooling,  and roadschooling are growing trends. Read what our experienced homeschoolers have to offer for travel advice.

2017 Best Homeschooling Articles

Ever get that feeling when you wish you’d have found something sooner? If you recently found us, you can check out some highlights from our blog below! We spent 2017 doing our best to provide you help with homeschooling and we’re thrilled to be able to bring you our top 10 favorite pieces. So, grab […]

Western Christian Academy – Accredited Homeschool

Nationwide PreK-12th accredited private school for over 30 years with a Christian worldview and traditional values. WCA specializes in new-to-homeschool families. Year-round enrollment. Structured to free up parents' time to focus on encouragement. Booklet-based for PreK-2nd. Four booklet or online options for 3rd-8th. High school program designed for success with teacher on call.

Southeast Academy – Christian Homeschooling

Dual accredited Christian school serving 50 states since 1983. Mid-year enrollment. Paper-based PreK-2nd. Online 3rd-8th with two options for teacher support. Online high school with elite support designed for success. Placement tool to fill gaps that hinder current ability. In-home achievement test included to meet some states' requirements. 3rd-12th has a built-in daily planner linking to each assignment. Parents do not need to score 3rd-12th grade work, so reduces parent time.