Search Results for: math

Tips for Homeschooling with Prader-Willi Syndrome

Have you ever heard of the term “accidental homeschooler”? Well, that was our family. Before kids, I did have dreams of homeschooling but when I was blessed through foster care with a baby with Prader-Willi Syndrome I figured that homeschooling would not be a possibility. Not long after our son came to live with us […]

Homeschooling the Gifted Learner – Kim’s Story!

  Guest post by Kimberly Smith When you homeschool it’s so important to provide an education that fits your child. That’s one of the prime reasons most people homeschool. If you have a gifted learner, homeschooling is one of the best ways to enable your child to reach their potential. In our case, I learned […]

How to Homeschool the Visual-Spatial Learner

This post contributed by Kerry Jones. The term “visual-spatial learners” is perhaps not a household phrase, but in the educational community, it is becoming more and more familiar.  Thanks to Dr. Linda Silverman’s original research, and her website, articles, and books on the subject of visual-spatial learners, there is a wealth of information about the […]

Episode 11: My Homeschool Mistakes and Lessons Learned!

Hello everyone and welcome back to episode 11 of the Homeschooling and Loving It Podcast! Today I’m sharing something a little difficult… My worst moments as a homeschooler… Recently overheard someone mention me, “I trust Jamie, she’s homeschooled six kids over the past 15 years.” That really made me want to laugh out loud – […]

5 Benefits of Game Schooling

Game schooling simply acknowledges the learning benefits that children can acquire through playing games.  After all, we tend to learn more when we are having fun and enjoying ourselves!

Episode 10: Homeschool Methods Part 3

Hello and welcome back to Episode 10 of the Homeschooling and Loving Podcast. Today we’ll be finishing up our series on the different homeschooling methods. We’ve already covered a lot of ground, and if you are interested in listening to our previous conversations go back and listen to part 1 and 2 which can easily […]

How to Make a Year-Round Homeschool Schedule!

Guest post by Amanda Sims I think we should start by debunking the common misconception of what year-round schooling truly is. Simply stated it is NOT doing school every day all year long. Year-round schooling is taking shorter breaks, especially during the summer, and taking more frequent breaks during the year. Year-round schooling IS all […]

How to Homeschool with the Eclectic Method

Eclectic method of homeschooling is a mixture of various approaches. This philosophy utilizes a combination of approaches to find what works. Read on to find out more!

Episode 9: Homeschooling Methods Part 2

Hello everyone and welcome back to Episode 9 of the Homeschool and Loving It podcast. Today I’m podcasting from Tennesee – -where I’ve taken a car load of youngins to camp. So, bear with me if you hear outdoor sounds – – or even the occasional kid screaming as they run by! Anyway – We’re […]