Search Results for: high school

Online Homeschool Courses

Discover below our growing list of online homeschool programs and online homeschooling courses to help you in your homeschooling journey. The popularity of online courses has grown over the years, and that’s for good reason!  Online homeschool education often combines the best of both worlds for homeschoolers: independent homeschool materials in addition to the freedom […]

Homeschool Curriculum Help

Looking For Help Finding Homeschool Curriculum? Identifying a curriculum that “fits” our children is as important as providing them with the right-sized shoes and clothing. First, determine your child’s learning preferences, motivators, and educational goals. Selecting a curriculum that “fits” makes all the difference in ensuring a successful homeschooling experience for your family! Visit Our […]

Simplify Homeschool Record Keeping

Record keeping is always a challenge, especially to the busy homeschool mom. Discover these simple tips to make homeschool record-keeping that much easier!

Learn to Homeschool Like a Veteran

Long-Time Homeschoolers Teach You How to Homeschool Like a Pro This post is by Kerry, a homeschooling mother of two, and is from our contributing sponsor Time4Learning. What if you could get your hands on a book that gave you the inside scoop on homeschooling? What if, instead of floundering around wondering if you’re doing anything […]

The Best Way to Build Vocabulary in Your Homeschool

This is a guest blog post from Sonlight. The average active vocabulary of an adult English speaker is ten to twenty thousand words, with a passive vocabulary (the words you recognize, but don’t use) of 40,000. As a point of comparison, Shakespeare’s vocabulary is estimated at over 66,000. When you read, your children learn vocabulary […]

Mentor Moments – How to Avoid Homeschool Burn Out

Rebecca Kochenderfer – How to Avoid Homeschool Burn Out   Homeschool burnout is a REAL thing. As a veteran homeschooling mom, Rebecca Kochenderfer knows all too well what that feeling is like. In this video, she talks about her homeschooling journey and shares with us tips for avoiding homeschooling burnout. She talks about the method […]

How to Avoid Homeschool Burn Out

2. Rebecca Kochenderfer – How to Avoid Homeschool Burn Out Homeschool burnout is a REAL thing. As a veteran homeschooling mom, Rebecca Kochenderfer knows all too well what that feeling is like. In this video, she talks about her homeschooling journey and shares with us tips for avoiding homeschooling burnout. She’ll talk about the method […]

10 Things No One Ever Told Me About Homeschooling

If you’ve homeschooled for any amount of time, you’ve probably had to figure some things out for yourself…things no one ever told you were going to happen during your homeschooling years. Here, we outline some of the most common things that all homeschooling parents can relate to doing, thinking, feeling, or experiencing! 10 Things to […]

Ways to Implement Technology in Your Homeschool

In this post, Heather Woodie of Blog, She Wrote introduces four simple ways to introduce technology into your homeschool. She recommends a few of her favorite devices, tools, and sites that have benefited her students. For additional ideas for your homeschool, be sure to visit Kids Discover’s Teacher Resources Blog, and check out Kids Discover […]