Search Results for: high school

From Home Education to Higher Education

Last month marked the beginning of my family’s seventh year of homeschooling – not necessarily a remarkable anniversary unless you’re a mom like me who feels the days slipping away faster and faster with each passing year. These have been precious years, full of exploration and learning as much for me as for my two […]

Homeschool Tips: Know Your State Homeschool Regulations

Homeschooling within Your State’s Regulations: What You Don’t Know Could Hurt You! There have been a number of news articles from other countries, where homeschoolers have been arrested or have been separated from their children simply because they homeschool? We are lucky in the United States because homeschooling is legal here. Even though it’s legal, […]

One-Week, 10-Minute Workout Plan for Busy Homeschool Moms

  As a busy homeschool mom, it’s easy to use time as an excuse for not working out. However, you don’t have to dedicate hours at a time to make a commitment to exercising. Use this one-week, 10-minute workout plan to begin a new workout routine. Remember to take a few minutes to stretch before […]

We Don’t Homeschool for Religious Reasons

We Don’t Homeschool for Religious Reasons This post was originally published on the BookShark blog.   Homeschooling has come a long way in the last fifteen years. It used to be that most homeschoolers were educating at home because of religious reasons and mostly kept their children hidden at home—concerned that too much exposure to […]

A 1912 Exam Taught Me What I Know About Choosing Homeschool Curriculum

  With one foot in childhood and the other entering adulthood, eighth grade is a pivotal time. Choosing a homeschool curriculum can be nerve-wracking when you realize that eighth grade can set your child up for success or hold him back. I found inspiration for my son’s curriculum choices in a very odd place—a 1912 eighth grade […]

Are You a Homeschool Curriculum Hoarder?

  Organization Station May 2017, Issue 9   "Are You a Curriculum Hoarder?" by's Rebecca Kochenderfer Homeschooling affords us the opportunity to use whatever materials we want, but with that comes the potential to want to own everything we see! As an avid reader, I made it a goal to pass the love for [...]

The Journey to Homeschooling

The Journey to Homeschooling, written by Barbara Wolf Shousha, is a guest blog post from the University of Nebraska High School.