Search Results for: high school

Should I Use an Online Charter School?

For some families, online charter schools for homeschooling are just what they have been looking for. Find out more about how that method of homeschooling.

Homeschool Graduation Ideas

The moment you’ve worked toward for so many years has finally arrived. Your homeschooler has completed his last lesson, and now it’s time to celebrate the completion of his home education.

6 Supplemental Income Ideas for Homeschool Parents

  6 Supplemental Income Ideas for Homeschool Parents To the family that chooses to live on a single salary in order to homeschool, a supplemental income that can be earned from home may sound too good to be true, but it doesn’t have to be. By tapping into your God-given talents, you can develop an […]

Top 10 Choices of Higher Education

  Top 10 Choices of Higher Education Institutions in the World Every year, an organization known as Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), considered to have the most reputable and reliable university ranking system, rates universities from around the world based upon a number of factors. It ranks in several categories, such as by academic discipline and by […]