Search Results for: science

5 Ways Coding Encourages Logical Thinking

Has your kiddo always been interested in computers?  Do they enjoy tinkering with their devices or seem to fix technology issues before you even understand the problem?  Bless this generation; they understand it all so quickly! A lot of children interested in computers often find great enjoyment from coding.  Also known as computer programming, coding […]

Internet Safety in Our Homeschool

The internet is an amazing educational tool and one that homeschoolers should take advantage of, however, it is not without danger. Take precautions, play it safe and you'll never be sorry!

How to Foster Innovation in Home Education

As a teacher, especially one that is teaching kids from home, developing lesson plans and finding ways to be engaging can be particularly challenging. You want to be innovative and give your students every opportunity to explore and learn. Furthermore, you want them to be at the cutting edge of new technology so they have […]

Fun Reading Tips and Strategies!

Guest post by Katie Glennon It’s summertime, the season of vacations and activities outdoors and in the sun! But that doesn’t mean activities like reading books have to stop. Kids who don’t read during the summer can experience summer learning loss and lose up to two to three months of reading skills. Because of these […]

Episode 4: Summer Learning Challenge #2

Hello everyone! Welcome back to episode 4 of the homeschooling and loving it podcast. I love talking about summer – it’s my favorite time of year – I enjoy all of the outdoor fun and easy-going days! But over the years I’ve come to respect the fact that my kiddos do need some mental challenges […]

10 Ways to Take Your Learning Outdoors

As the weather warms, we love heading outside with our homeschool supplies for some fresh air!  It doesn’t even feel like school when we’re playing outside, and yet, the kiddos are still learning. If you’re anticipating outside adventures during the day, but you still want to take advantage of quality learning time, we have a few great ideas for you.

How to Homeschool with the Waldorf Method

The Waldorf approach to education emphasizes creativity and imagination at all stages of the child's development. Join us as we explore more about Waldorf Homeschooling.

Tips for Homeschooling with Learning Preferences

There are seven primary styles of learning and, while no one is really limited to one, most people have preferences. Identifying which learning preference your child prefers can be simple, but implementing methods to suit each style can be a bit more difficult. This is especially true if you’re teaching multiple children with different preferred […]

How to Homeschool Using Only the Library

Volunteer Contributor post by Kimberly Smith The library is a wonderful resource for any homeschool parent.  I use my library for most of my subjects including: reading, science, math, art, music, and history.  The resources help to enrich the curriculum that I am already using. However, if you wanted to – you could just use […]