Search Results for: math

Resolutions: Do They Really Work?

Are you ready for some fresh, new things this year? New friends, new faces, new ideas, and new resolutions are among the things people look forward to as each new year rolls around. But, sticking to a New Year’s resolution can be challenging; many people give up by February. You may even wonder if there […]

About Us

Our Mission And Vision has been helping homeschool families like yours for over 20 years. We help you lighten the load as you experience your homeschool journey. In fact, we believe everyone should homeschool happy! That’s why our team consistently provides outrageously beautiful tools, product reviews, guides, advice, and support to all homeschooling families. […]

How to Manage Time Efficiently

Feel like time just slips through your fingers? Like you just can't get everything done? Join us as we discuss ways to manage your time more efficiently!

Simple Steps to Superior Skills

       by Dr. Edwin C. Myers, Ph.D.   Ed Myers holds his doctorate from Carnegie-Mellon University and the M.A. from Dallas Seminary.  A scientist, educator, and musician, Ed designed the optics of the infra­red spectro­meters for NASA’s  Voyager I and II space probes. He has taught at the university level and per­formed geo­physical research […]

2017 Gift Guide By Age Group

This year, give your kids the gift of an astounding education! You can easily do this by providing them with toys and gifts that will support your educational goals. This gift guide has collected the best of the best in an effort to help you make the best choices possible.   Elementary Gift Guide: Mark-My-Time/Reading Time […]

Simplify Homeschool Record Keeping

Record keeping is always a challenge, especially to the busy homeschool mom. Discover these simple tips to make homeschool record-keeping that much easier!

Learn to Homeschool Like a Veteran

Long-Time Homeschoolers Teach You How to Homeschool Like a Pro This post is by Kerry, a homeschooling mother of two, and is from our contributing sponsor Time4Learning. What if you could get your hands on a book that gave you the inside scoop on homeschooling? What if, instead of floundering around wondering if you’re doing anything […]

When Your Homeschoolers Each Learn Differently

This post is by Kerry, a homeschooling mother of two, and is from our contributing sponsor, Time4Learning. Help! My homeschoolers each learn so differently! What are the chances that when homeschooling two or more children in a family, they both have exactly the same learning needs. Do you agree that the chances are pretty slim? […]