Search Results for: science

Make Your Own Space Exploration Unit Study!

Space. The final frontier… or is it? The study of space, otherwise known as astronomy is a field of study that is nearly limitless. Scientists continually discover new and amazing things in the “great beyond.” And science careers are fascinating.  It’s a great opportunity, but one that starts when our children are young. Awakening an […]

3 STEM Experiments to Kickstart Your Homeschool Year

Each school year brings with it the ability to try new things and have new experiences. Last year, we brought you a new STEM experiment every month centered around specific themes. To kick start this year, we felt it’d only be fitting to start out with a few STEM experiments you could use to start […]

Kimberly’s Story – a Christian Homeschool Journey

Today’s culture scares me.  It seems that our country is falling apart when it comes to values and morals.  I cannot even let my six year just pick out books at the library anymore due to the agenda that is being pushed in new literature.  God is missing in most aspects of society. As a […]

Where Did Other Religions Come From?

By Winfried Corduan The Bible never states how non-biblical religions got their start. Genesis begins with the one true God. There certainly were people who lived in defiance of him (e.g., Cain and Lamech in Gn 4), but there is no account of where these other religions came from in these early chapters of the Old Testament. […]

Resources for Computer Learning Month

Undoubtedly, computer literacy has changed the way we learn things. They provide a portal into worlds we at one time only dreamed about. Today, we can think of a question and have an answer at our fingertips immediately- thanks to technology. But are you using computer skills to your advantage? Is there anything you’re missing? […]

Bringing Programming Into Your Homeschool

Computer programing is becoming an essential skill for students. In our technologically advanced society, being familiar with coding is becoming as important as the traditional competencies of reading, writing and arithmetic. However, for many homeschool parents, the world of code can be a daunting and intimidating place.  Luckily for homeschool families, there are some fantastic […]

10 Books Your Teen Should Read in High School

With classic literature, I believe some books are meant to be read when you are young and then again later when you are older. The ten teenage books listed below are no exception to this. While most on this book list are meant for a more mature reader (high school age and up), reading them […]

Build a Bridge and Get Ready for Kindergarten

Award-winning preschool curriculum – Get Ready 4 Kindergarten’s Build a Bridge Program! Engage your preschooler in active learning with our literacy-driven, parent-led program without worksheets or added screen time. Build a Bridge comes in 2 formats: Monthly Subscription Boxes: Each month of theme-connected curriculum delivered to your door includes: 2 books, word cards, games, complete […]

Online Learning for Personalized Instruction

Sponsored by Online learning is ever increasing in popularity and providers are popping up all over the place. With so many resources to choose from, it can be overwhelming. Let’s cut through the noise and look at a personalized online instructional program designed for individuals! Teaching Assistance Program is a premier site for personalized […]