Search Results for: math

6 Supplemental Income Ideas for Homeschool Parents

  6 Supplemental Income Ideas for Homeschool Parents To the family that chooses to live on a single salary in order to homeschool, a supplemental income that can be earned from home may sound too good to be true, but it doesn’t have to be. By tapping into your God-given talents, you can develop an […]

Homeschooling Flexibility

  When we ask our Calvert Families about their favorite aspects of homeschooling, one item that is always at the top of the list is FLEXIBILITY. This is especially true for parents who have experienced the world of public or private schooling. While the flexibility of homeschooling can be an adjustment for some, most homeschooling […]

Why Colleges Recruit Homeschoolers

Why Colleges are Recruiting Homeschoolers As their numbers continue to surge, homeschool students are catching the eyes of college admissions advisors and recruiters, who are viewing today’s college-bound homeschoolers with growing attention and new found respect. Bright homeschoolers are in demand on campuses across the nation where colleges and universities have finally realized that these […]

5 Reasons to Use Weekly Thematic Units

By developing and using weekly thematic units, you can add fascinating topics to required subjects–thus making your homeschool classroom much more interesting and fun–for you and your students. For example, you might determine that your weekly theme is going to be rainbows. Your math manipulatives could be arranged in rainbow order. The books you read […]

Homeschooling for High School

A guest blog post written by Trish Madonia Homeschooling high school can seem daunting, but the good news is that it isn’t. Actually, while it does come with its own set of challenges, it’s quite fun! Getting Started With Homeschooling a High School Student We need to start the conversation about homeschooling high school by discussing […]

Bubbles – Science and Fun

Bubbles aren’t just kid stuff anymore. Computer scientists at Bristol University in England are studying bubbles as a new kind of surface for displaying information. They’re devising different sized bubbles on which to project short-term images to use in teaching, office communications, retail, entertainment and much more! The Science Behind Bubbles Ever wonder just what […]

What About Socialization?

If only homeschoolers had a nickel for every time they heard the question, "... but what about socialization?"  That infamous socialization question, for any seasoned homeschooler, is quite a humorous one!

Homeschool Science – Rock Nature Study

    Do you have a little geologist? My kids are fascinated by rocks. They have jars and containers full of them. We recently moved into a house with a very nice backyard. In the back corner of the yard is a retaining ditch which the children have turned into their personal excavation site. They […]

The Seven Abilities Your Child Needs to Succeed

There are seven core skills that are central to school success for any child, whether home-schooled or otherwise. By building these skills in your child, you'll ensure that she has a solid foundation for school and for life. Today wants to share these skills and how you can use them to help your child break away from the pack!