Search Results for: unit study

Homeschool Science – Rock Nature Study

    Do you have a little geologist? My kids are fascinated by rocks. They have jars and containers full of them. We recently moved into a house with a very nice backyard. In the back corner of the yard is a retaining ditch which the children have turned into their personal excavation site. They […]

Nature Study for Everybody

   “There is no kind of knowledge to be had in these early years so valuable to children as that which they get for themselves, of the world they live in. Let them at once get into touch with Nature, and a habit is formed which will be a source of delight through life. We […]

Internship Opportunities

For more high school information visit our main How to Homeschool High School page. Is your high school student wavering about their career ideas for the future? At this age, the possibilities abound for a very bright future for your teen. Now is a great time for them to explore their various interests. There may […]

Age of Exploration For Kids

Get an in-depth study on the Age of Exploration with links and resources for creating your own homeschool unit study for history or social studies.

Memorial Day: Facts, History, and More!

Wanting to review why we celebrate Memorial Day? Looking for some fun printables? Read on to find learning resources from this unit study to dive deeper into the meaning of Memorial Day!

How Women Changed History

Our women in history series is perfect for a homeschool study during Women's History Month. You'll find a booklist as well as a printable pack to help you create your own unit study!

Homeschool Summer Resources

Looking for fun summer learning activities to keep away the summer slide? Get your free tools for summer homeschooling here.

Affordable & Free Homeschool Curriculum

The cost of homeschooling can be a deterrent for some...but it doesn't have to be! We have compiled a list of free and affordable curriculum options to help!