Search Results for: high school

Top Job Skills Employers Want to See

Qualities Employers Want to See In Your High Schooler As your teens think about heading out to the “real world” they should be thinking about employment and what it takes to be employable. Even if college is not an option, an aptitude for working for someone and with other people will be a big help […]

MyKey Plans Online Portfolio

MyKey Plans is a structured online resource where special needs students can create and update their own portfolios. They use workbooks to learn and grow their portfolios through high school. After their graduation, these portfolios are designed to allow students to explore their hopes and dreams in life.

A-List Education

For high school and college students. The A List team of teachers, tutors, and advisors are experienced online learning experts, deeply committed to student success and equity in education. Receive live online tutoring and instruction on our interactive learning platform. Develop cognitive strategies and core academic skills for exam preparation. Practice with real SAT and ACT tests, […]


Instant online tutoring, all subjects, anytime, anywhere. Learn one-on-one with an expert in the Skooli Online Classroom. Tutors are available for all levels: elementary, middle school, high school, and college.

Chegg Tutors

Online tutors for high school and college levels, available 24/7. These tutors are available in a wide array of subjects and topics to help you wherever you need. Chegg “believe[s] all students should get the help they need and not have to go in debt. So [they] offer online tutors at affordable prices.”

Notgrass History Books

Notgrass History helps homeschooling students and teachers across the country and around the world. We offer a faith-based history curriculum for elementary up through high school students.

Thinkster Math Tutoring

Thinkster is an AI-driven tutoring & test prep company for children kindergarten through high school. They combine the power of elite human tutors with a world-class curriculum and amazing AI and data-driven approach to provide a personalized curriculum for each student learning math or preparing for standardized tests such as the SAT and ACT.

My Transition Portfolio

MyKey Plans Transition Portfolio is designed to help students with disabilities set goals and build self-determination, preparing them for life after high school. The digital version allows students to add materials to their portfolio through voice to text. The work completed aligns with Common Core State Standards. There is also a My Transition Notebook available […]

Inspiring Your Budding Writer!

Creating a home environment that embraces, celebrates, and encourages writing and creativity is the spark all parents want to ignite for their children. Read on for more inspiration!

AP Classes vs. Trade Training

  If you are homeschooling a high school student, it’s time to discuss your student’s future.  What does your student want to do beyond high school?  This will impact the type of courses taken during high school.  Is your student strictly academic or more interested in trade training? AP Classes If your student is degree-minded […]