Search Results for: high school

High School Homeschooling

Teaching the adolescent can be a challenge, but we can all remember how being an adolescent was a challenge! As parents, it’s vital that we not only invest in our teenagers but also understand the teenage dilemma and work to become part of the solution.

10 Books Your Teen Should Read in High School

With classic literature, I believe some books are meant to be read when you are young and then again later when you are older. The ten teenage books listed below are no exception to this. While most on this book list are meant for a more mature reader (high school age and up), reading them […]

9 Charts Every Middle & High School Parent Must See

Backed by data from reputed sources, these charts provide a great insight into where opportunities lie for our children. Learning to code provides your children with the skills needed to capitalize on these opportunities. Computing jobs are the #1 source of new wages in the US There are an estimated 500,000 current job openings in […]

Homeschool High School Language Arts

Research papers, classic literature, critiques, essay writing, grammar, and college prep vocabulary are all part of a high school language arts course of study.  At its core, it’s very similar to the language arts you’ve taught your students all along. Ultimately, though, there will be some important changes. Keep reading to find out what those […]

How to Homeschool a High Schooler For The First Time

If you are wondering how to start homeschooling a high schooler for the first time, and how to help them homeschool through their senior year, you’ve come to the right place. Tips for How to Start Homeschooling High School Over 2 million families will begin homeschooling in September 2020. For new homeschoolers, it can be […]