Search Results for: high school

Jensen’s Vocabulary

Jensen’s Vocabulary is a course for high schoolers. Includes a suggested schedule, lessons, worksheets & tests, General Punctuation Rules, plus the answer key. Recommended 30 minutes a lesson, 5 times a week, for 3 semesters. Covers Latin & Greek backgrounds, you learn about how prefixes, suffixes & roots combine to make many different words. Helps […]

Learn Science

Self-study science courses tailored for homeschool high school students. Hosted by a team of accomplished college textbook authors, each course features engaging video lessons, quizzes, homework, home projects, hands-on activities, worksheets, collaborative exams, a grade book, and more.

Easy Ways to Rebuild Writing Enthusiasm

Anxiety and avoidance of writing are common for students (and even for many adults). Students returning from break may be even more reluctant to start writing lessons again. Read more for ideas to get them writing again!

Computer Science Explore STEM Careers

There were 1.2 million job openings for STEM careers in 2018 and not enough qualified graduates to fill them, which presents an excellent opportunity for STEM-interested homeschoolers!

Common Myths of Online Education 

Sponsored post by Laurel Springs As time and technology move forward, online learning has developed into a plausible answer to a child’s education needs. With the convenience of accessing online courses from home, right on your laptop, it’s no wonder that more parents are turning to online schools like Laurel Springs for elementary school, middle […]

2019 Holiday Gift Guide

Don’t you just love those last quiet moments on Christmas Eve? The stockings all hung by the chimney with care – and filled with goodies that each one will cherish?  The glow of the Christmas tree reflecting on Daddy as he puts the last touches on all the gifts he’s spent hours assembling. Everything is […]

NaNoWriMo: A Novel Way To Get Writing!

Sponsored by Get your writing tools ready, because November is NaNoWriMo! If you’re feeling a bit baffled right now, you’re not alone. “NaNoWriMo” is a fun way to shorten “National Novel Writing Month;” but it’s also a “501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides tools, structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve […]

Writing Milestones for Every Grade Level!

At the beginning of every school year, it’s a great idea to create writing milestones for your children. Check out our milestones and see how they can help your homeschool!

Fixing The Top 3 Common Grammar Mistakes

Sponsored by My youngest daughter marches to her own beat. Signing her recent driver’s license permit, she used the lowercase for the first letter of her last name. What was her reasoning when my face showed confusion? “Motherrr, everyone uses upper case; it’s so boring.” Okay, teenage angst aside, I understand, in a way […]