Search Results for: podcast

Find Out How Homeschooling Works

How do you homeschool? How does homeschooling work? How long should you homeschool? Read on to find the answers to these homeschool questions and more!

Episode 77: Tips for Homeschool Record Keeping with Corrina from Modify

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER With the growing popularity of homeschooling and the wide selection of materials and resources that are now available, we know that it can be difficult for homeschoolers to find what they need and the basics of what they need to do to organize and keep records in their […]

New Tips on How to Homeschool

Are you curious about different homeschooling methods? This post by Bridgeway Academy gives a brief overview to help you choose which path to take!

Episode 76 When Failure Hovers How Do You Plan Your Homeschool?

FOLLOW US ON: APPLE PODCASTS | GOOGLE PLAY | STITCHER Jamie shares her heart about family life and difficulties along the journey but also points to the fact that failure isn’t the end. Even if we have to set aside homeschooling for a bit, there is always a fresh start tomorrow. A Quote from Anne of Green Gables […]

Raising Financially-Educated Children

As parents of little ones, if our job is to prepare them for the world that awaits, shouldn’t that include the money system? Inflation Education tells you how!

Episode 75: Understanding Money with Phil Denniston &

Let me introduce you to Phil. Phil Denniston is founder and CEO of, better bedtime stories revealing the secrets of the debt-based fiat money system using the pricnipals of liberty, sound money, Austrian Economics, and Natural Law. Phil holds a BA in Economics from the University of Colorado. With Phil was able to […]